Family Service Crisis Mobile Outreach: (808)-935-2188 (East Hawai'i Island)
Aurora's Light Tutoring Services
Our educational non-profit is committed to providing children with disabilities in Hawaii with access to high-quality, inclusive learning experiences that promote their academic, social, and emotional growth. We aim to empower each child to reach their full potential and to become active, engaged members of their community.

Our vision is a Hawaii where every child with disabilities has the opportunity to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. We strive to be a leading advocate for inclusive education and to provide innovative and effective programs and services that meet the unique needs of each child. We envision a future where all children with disabilities have the support they need to succeed, and where they are valued and respected as equal members of society.
Aurora's Light Tutoring Services is a 5013c organization
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i acknowledge that i am on occupied land of the kānaka ʻōiwi, past and present & i honor with gratitude both the land itself and those who steward it.